Reflecting on my kids virtual Summer camps

My summer plans have flipped completely. I had several events and plans that got cancelled due to COVID, I was trying to figure out exactly what my summer was going to look like and in an instant, it flipped.

I have learned over the past 4 years that I am stronger than I usually give myself credit for and that I can and will keep on going, one day at a time.

I was on the fence about teaching kids summer camps .I know that is is hard enough to adjust to teaching on Zoom, that kids may have a difficult time. I was wrong. They are AMAZING!

In the last 3 weeks, I have already taught 21 kids 15 different baking classes and all of the kids have been under the age of 14. These kids are teaching me soooo much. They bring smiles to my face immediately and help me live more in the moments. I am paying attention to each of them so I can step in and help as needed and making sure they don’t get too overwhelmed. Some of these Classe are a bit tricky and adults are actually shying away from some of these classes. These kids are taking classes in Ohio, Massachusetts, California & New York.

I constantly tell my students in real life and online, baking is patience and practice. I constantly remind myself of this. These kids had more patience, more amazing questions and had paid attention to every detail. They are not afraid to ask me anything, point out a “you said” or “what does this mean exactly?” I love the honesty, joy, pride and eagerness to learn and listen. They are muting themselves, raising their hands, being respectful of the other students and saying “thank you”, smiling, and making sure they have everything they need.

I have been told by parents that their child’s confidence has greatly improved in these classes. WOW! That is awesome. What a complement:)

I can honestly say that at 10 or even 14, I don’t know if I would have attempted to spend 10 hours on a computer with some self-proclaimed badass baker in Cleveland, but I am honestly so grateful that they are with me. These kids are helping me grow leaps and bounds as a teacher and there smiles, even their confusion and frustration reminds me to stay calm, and focus on the end result.

I am excited for my next 2 rounds of camps the weeks of July 20th and August 3rd! If you would like to book a private virtual event, please contact me

I am blessed and grateful to be able to share my passion, my love of sweets with these adorable, fun little humans who are making me a better person every day.



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