Doing it all

When I think about my life the last 4 years, it gets to be overwhelming. Depending on what comes to mind first, it brings up stress, challenges, perseverance, self-awareness, confidence, passion, hustle, heart, and pride, rewards and accomplishments that I never dreamed of.

This solo entrepreneur roller coaster is A LOT to handle. The day to day tasks and responsibilities are hard to shut off. Some nights I don’t sleep, some days I feel like the energizer bunny running around from place to place and then when I try to decompress, it is hard to catch up my mind and my body.

I have never felt more present in my life and more aware then I have over the last couple of years. I make an effort to pay attention to what fuels my energy, what slows me down, what stresses me out and I do my best to find some balance. Until I can get my business to a point where I can hire people to take some of the weight off of my shoulders, I have to remind myself that I am only able to carry so much without going through what I went through 4 years ago, losing myself and my passion.

I am fully aware that this is a difficult road and doing it all is ridiculous and hard, but I am doing it. I have business coaches that help me talk through things and guide me and help me stay on the right path.

I am proud and anxious for what the future holds and as exhausting as this road can be, I am super excited to continue on this crazy adventure. My 3rd Anniversary is coming up next month and I have tons of new things on the horizon that I cannot wait to share.

I appreciate your continued support on this boss babe roller coaster. I truly appreciate each of you. If you have taken a class, purchased desserts, follow me on social media, and would like to write a google review, I would greatly appreciate it. I hope to see you in a virtual class soon. Stay safe and healthy!



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