A case of the Mondays

I got up and worked out and was on a mission to get a big list accomplished. I am having trouble focusing. This is not uncommon at all! I keep getting overwhelmed with the many tasks and finding myself taking deep breaths and trying to start over.

I want and have to do everything myself and try to figure out days to “get organized”, make a plan, and days to rest. Most days everything all blends together. The only time I am truly focused is when I am baking. True statement!! Computers, charts, paperwork, lists in the first few pages of at least 100 different notebooks are all crammed into my backpack that broke because I overpacked it.

I will eventually get everything done that I need to. My motivation and my reality sometimes overlap and sometimes interfere with each other. I am accepting that this will not define me or my business. I have overcome so much more in the past and stepping away is necessary.

I am accepting that today is probably a day that I need to let the “work stuff” go for a bit and get some fresh air.

How is your Monday going?? Are you motivated? Stressed? overwhelmed?? How are you taking care of yourself?



Ann LoParoComment