Finding my own way

I have always been very independent. I am 43 and single and have always found ways to separate myself from the “trendy” things. I like a challenge and in pretty much anything in my life, I find my own way. Usually it is the hard way, but nevertheless, I get there. I get there because challenges, although extremely difficult, actually help me strive and expand mentally and creatively.

As a business owner, I continued on the same path. One question that is frequently asked by coaches or therapists…..what makes you unique, better or different? While this is a difficult question for anyone to answer, I am learning every year what makes me better, unique or different than everyone else. My goal as a business owner is always to follow my heart and do what I love.

The first year as a business owner was a HUGE struggle. I was trying to figure out my niche, realize what made me different and unique and why people should buy from me. It is hard to see what others see and it is hard to feel confident or competent enough to say, I am great at this.

I started referring to myself as a badass baker after reading “You are a badass” by Jen Sincero. It was meant as a joke, but I honestly started to say it so often it helped build my confidence.

The biggest reflection of yourself will come out in how you treat people and teaching has truly been the catapult that has changed my life for the better.

I am excited to learn from each of my students, I am eager to find out about their stories, their lives and passions. My anxiety kicks in before a class and as soon as I see my students, my heart smiles.

I always look for opportunities that will connect me with people who like to have fun, learn, laugh, not take theirselves too seriously if only for the 2 hours they are with me in class. Of course, anyone that loves sweets is usually a friend of mine:)

My life is so much better as a badass baker. Being a badass baker means, deep breaths on a Monday, sometimes not sleeping because as a boss babe it is hard to shut off, becoming a better baker through pushing through my fear and anxiety, embracing the joyful sides of the boss babe life as much as possible and baking myself happy.

May you find your own path, whatever that may be. Keep on keeping on. Stay sweet and safe! I hope to see you soon in a virtual class or in real life when it is safe:)



Ann LoParo