Experiences can be gifts

One thing I have learned as a teacher, is now much more we value experiences rather than “things”. Don’t get me wrong, there are significant “items” that can definitely help you remember something or someone in your life.

I LOVE a good trip, and my experiences are what I remember most, who I was with, when we went, how we felt and what made it so memorable.

I LOVE that my classes have brought so many of you through the doors and through Zoom to share experiences. The students that attend my classes come alone, with friends, with family, co-workers, and sometimes a group of people that they might barely know. What rings true is this, every single person values experiences and shared experiences with people that they don’t know in the beginning, but quickly share the experience and memories with.

I LOVE that my students have chosen to spend birthdays, anniversaries, birthdays, mothers days, bachelorette parties, Pta groups, friends that grew up together, co-workers, or just someone that wants to learn something new.

I have seen students reconnected in classes several months later and sooo excited to reconnect. I have seen people find a friend through my social media and realize they have both taken a class and want to take the net one together, or see someone they know in my class and decide to sign up.

I have seen laughs, people who were scared at the beginning of the class, gain confidence, I have seen the pride in each one of you when you surprise yourselves with your final product. I replay your reactions often in my head, because I can relate. Even after 14 years and counting, I still have fear and stress about challenges in baking, in life and in business. As I always tell my students, it takes patience and practice, but you can absolutely do it.

I have seen friendships form, non-bakers, going home and trying out the recipes and proud of being able to do the recipe at home.

You are the best gift that I can receive. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your experiences together, alone or as we now get used to the phrase, “together alone”. I am one lucky badass baker to get to be part of your lives, whether it is for one 2 hour class or for 25 classes and counting:) I value each of you more than you know.

You have changed my life for the better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I miss you all soooo much.

Lots of love and gratitude to you all. Stay safe and stay home! I would love to see you in a virtual class. I am planning on continuing both virtual and real life classes as long as you remain interested in both.

Mother’s day is coming quickly and I am teaching virtually and will have my signature sweets available for purchase from now until May 3rd that can be picked up May 8th or 9th at the Hildebrandt. Gift certificates are available on my website as well. Thank you for your continued love and support!



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