You can dream it, or you can do it

Most of the things I have done in my life, I have never dreamed that I would do. I am the first person to admit that I get inside my own head A LOT! The questions that we all have, how? why? where? when? It is easy to get sucked into it all.

I never dreamed of being an entrepreneur, I am figuring it out. It is the most challenging thing that I have ever done, but totally worth the chaos and the amazing rewards.

I get to meet and connect with people that I never would have connected with if I continued to live my life without a purpose, without paying attention to the little things. I get to teach the best students ever! I get to help you explore your own creativity and take a step back and appreciate why I love baking. I get to play all day with sweets and eat them, I get to hear each of your stories and see the joy and excitement that you have for baking, and learning and your support of me in this boss babe adventure.

It has taken me a good almost 4 years to turn my life around, mentally, physically, and to be proud of what I have been able to accomplish on my own without a background in business, marketing, sales, a business partner and without a secure bank account to keep me afloat.

I left a full time job at the Cleveland Museum of Art 4 years ago and started over. My mind is alway racing with ideas, I have a hard time focusing, computers and I are managing OK for now and I am happier than I have ever been.

I am always learning to slow down, try new things and if they don’t work out, keep on keeping on to the next idea. I will never be a “planner” type of person.

My proudest accomplishments have all come to me as a surprise. Not because I don’t feel like I deserve them, but because I never think that far ahead. I am a doer and I am living my best dream! I am always baking and eating desserts and truly enjoy every moment that I get to be part of your lives, in the classroom, on the computer, through email, text, social media. I value each of you and you have truly made this dream come true for me.

As we continue to live in uncertainty, it is honestly difficult to plan anything, we are all basically living one day at a time. Enjoy these moments as much as you can with your friends, family, co-workers. We are all figuring this out slowly but surely. Adjusting is tough, but we will all get through this.

Thank you to all of you that are helping keep my passion and purpose alive. I am grateful to each of you. Stay safe and healthy!

I hope to see you all in a virtual class soon! These classes will continue beyond the COVID pandemic because I love teaching and I am loving being able to teach you all over the United States and Internationally!



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