
Life throws curve balls at us all the time. Curveballs ohhh there are crazy ones most of the time. I think I am finally getting my act together in one direction, oh no, here it comes….curveball and another one and another one….

It can be a good thing or a stressful thing, but let’s be honest, it is easy to take it in to the extreme. I know its hard to find balance or some kind of calm. As always, it is a work in progress for me. I can do a lot of different things, but I struggle to find middle ground some of the time. Don’t we all?

As I continue to grown in life and in business, I am focusing on doing my best to find some peace, joy and comfort in the little things. I crave chaos but then get stressed out from doing too much. I crave rest, but have a hard time catching my mind up with my body. I am responsible for a lot and am hustle like no other to get everything done. I know that everything will never be done, I am learning to accept help, give myself a mental break and get back to things that can wait. Not everything is urgent, even though it feels that way, pretty much all the time.

I crave sweets ALL The time, that won’t change anytime soon:)

As new opportunities come up and unexpected changes throw these curve balls, I am learning to be more patient and find the magic that will eventually keep pushing me to grow and evolve.

Keep your head up, your eye on the curveballs and try to take a deep breath. It will be ok. You have come a long way and should be proud, confident and embrace your inner badass. Curveballs give us strength, make us stop and re-evaluate our path, passion and our purpose.

Have the best week ever!



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