2 year Annieversary Stats!

WOW! What a ride this has been for the last 2 years of teaching. Here are some 2 year Anniversary Stats for you:)

First class: Tarts
Date of first class: February 5, 2018
First ticket ever purchased: Jen Rome @whycle
# of students in first class: 7
# of classes in 2018= 32
# of classes in 2019- over 100
# of classes so far in 2020- 19 and counting 
# of private parties so far= 21
# of sold out classes so far= 8
# of class topics so far= 34 and counting 
# of repeating students- 1,000,000,000,000 
# of laughs- 1,000,0000,0000,000
# of friendships created in classes- 1,000,000,000,000
# of mishaps in class- many- mostly from me, #notsorry
# of helpers- 8
What other countries have my students traveled from to come to a class? Italy, India and Canada
Largest class- 2 groups of 24-  5th grade students came 2x last summer from Hathaway Brown
Most popular classes- French Macarons, Cinnamon Rolls, Pies, Pretzels and Truffles.

Favorite moments- countless- from trays dropped, bakers being cut or burned, pots that have boiled over, a small fire to two that have incurred, to being able to connect with each of you to teach you, share my story, share my passion and help take some of the fear out of baking is the best gift ever!

Favorite students?? all of YOU! Truly, I have THE BEST STUDENTS EVER! I have been lucky enough to teach hundreds of non-bakers how to bake and take something home that is not only edible, but delicious and made by YOU.

You truly make me smile and welcome me with open arms, open minds, joy, questions, kindness, savvy, and you challenge me in the best ways.

I am overwhelmed at the response that these classes have had so far. To say that I LOVE teaching and LOVE my students is not even close to the correct feeling. It is that times 1,000,000,000.

My students have included friends, family, strangers from the internet, fans from tv, people that found me on Eventbrite, google, FB groups, a friend, a co-worker, or having met me in person over the last several years.

I am humbled that you have chosen to attend my classes, gift my classes to others or yourself to create an unforgettable experience, some incredible sweets, friendships and memories with me and my students.

I am forever grateful to Bill Hildebrandt for giving me this opportunity to teach in his family’s space and to his family for their kindness, support and joy in this adventure! It has only just begun……



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