Building a business from the ground up

I never aspired to be a business owner or even a Pastry Chef so when I burned out of the business, 4 years ago and needed a fresh start, building a business was definitely not at the top of my list or to be honest, even on my list.

I had to learn how to start focusing on things one thing at a time and start taking steps. I had to trust that one day it would get me somewhere better than I was (hopefully).

Building a business is no joke, doing it alone with no background in business is nuts. A baking business is not just baking and singing in the kitchen all day slinging sweets back and forth. That is the baking part, the business side is a whole other beast.

I started out attending my first networking meeting 4 years ago when a friend invited me to one. I had no idea what I was in for, and in my mind was gong to give it a shot. I left my full time job and took on several part time jobs as I started out on this adventure.

Honestly, the times I have just given something a shot and taken a risk or step, it has eventually worked out in my favor.

I have attended 100’s of events, I have been asked to contribute for free to many of the events as a way for publicity and marketing (truth be told—- doesn’t usually pan out as expected), most people attend those events for free samples and don’t always care or remember where they got the stuff. The days were long, exhausting and making desserts for anywhere from 1 to 1000 people was stressful because I hate wasting desserts. I attended events at churches, at markets, at schools, for fundraisers, for local businesses, for wedding professionals .The plus was that it took me way out of my comfort zone and made me talk about my business and I did meet a ton of great people along the way.

The heart of my business comes from within. I am not a natural extrovert, but I have built up my confidence, my purpose and have reignited my passion that I thought I lost 4 years ago.

I am connecting with people all over the world and sharing my knowledge, passion and learning from each of you every single day.

I love connecting with each of you over social media, in person and I truly am thankful to still have a business in the craziest year EVER, 2020.

Being a business owner is crazy, there are lots of sleepless nights, it is hard to shut off mentally most of the time, and ideas are constantly flowing for what is next.

I have worked tirelessly and am grateful and lucky to have the support of all fo you. You truly make this roller coaster ride much better.

I have officially run this business without the support of a part time job for an entire year and that is pretty darn exciting! This business fuels me every day and I am excited and anxious to see what the future holds.

Be sure to check out my classes, my menu options and feel free as always to send me a message or if you see me masked up in public- say hello!

Have a wonderful day!



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