What are 5 of the most common baking problems and how do you prevent them from happening?

I am Annie and I have been a Pastry Chef for the last 17 years (I am a graduate of Johnson & Wales University) and I have been an International Baking instructor since 2018. I often get asked about common baking problems and how to prevent them and how to fix them. Below I am sharing my answers and the reasons why I find these steps are crucial to successful baking!

  1. PROBLEM #1: You are having issues with the mixing process, baking process or a combination of both and you don’t know how to fix it.

    HOW TO GET HELP: Register for one or more of my baking classes or book a private class with me to help you fix a specific problem or recipe. I would love to have you join me for one or more of my baking classes so you can learn the proper steps to measure, mix, bake and check for doneness with recipes that I have created that make baking easier, more fun and less stressful. I can help you troubleshoot your issues and explain to you the processes behind each of my recipes. Classes are available on Zoom and in Cleveland, Ohio. Register on my website or Eventbrite.

  2. PROBLEM #2: You have a BAD recipe.

    SOLUTION: Purchase my recipe booklets or take a class.

    Fact: Not all recipes on the internet or even in books and magazines are 100% correct all the time. This could be a misprint, an oversight or something you may not even know is the problem. It is not ALWAYS you that is the problem. My recipes are always created with simplicity in mind, and they are always tested before you receive them for quality and taste tested by me and several of my official taste testers.

  3. PROBLEM #3: Checking doneness for your baked goods. Once you have the correct steps in place to mix and bake your product, there are multiple ways to check doneness for each of your bakes.

    SOLUTION: Take one of my classes or purchase my recipe booklets that have detailed instructions how to check for doneness for each baked good. We go over this in every class of mine and all the steps are listed on my recipes that are available for purchase on my website.

  4. PROBLEM #4: Bakes are not baking correctly- You could have the wrong temperature on the recipe OR your oven temperature could be inaccurate.

    SOLUTION: Purchase a thermometer that you can leave in the oven to make sure it is correct.

  5. PROBLEM #5: Your recipe does not bake correctly.

    SOLUTION: Make sure you measure your ingredients in advance “mis en place” and make sure everything is mixed in the correct order as listed on the recipe instructions. Make sure your oven temperature is correct and make sure you are using the correct pans as stated in the recipe.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any baking questions. I would love to show you how to make baking more fun, less stressful and super delicious! Follow me on FB and IG @anniessignaturesweets and make sure you are receiving my newsletter for the latest news and updates on how we can bake together!


