Flashback to 2 degrees a passion and a dream that finally came true-becoming a teacher.

I dreamed of being a teacher and actually entered Kent State University in their education program. Unfortunately, I did not graduate from the program, because I got kicked out of school at the end of my 1st semester of my 2nd year because of my GPA. I had undiagnosed ADD and was struggling to adjusting to college life and figuring out how to adapt.

I received a certified letter to my house saying that I was not able to come back to school. My dad and I drove to Kent State University in a snow storm and I had to convince the Dean of Education to allow me to stay in school. I was not going to let him refuse me. I told him how much I wanted to teach and would do anything to get back in. Around the same time, my brother was diagnosed with ADD and my parents recognized that I had similar problems with learning and comprehension. I was officially diagnosed at 21 years old. I always knew learning was a challenge for me, but it was nice to know that there were ways to help me. I started taking my tests in a room alone and had extra time to focus solely on the test and not worry about what was going on around me.

I somehow convinced the Dean to let me come back, but my GPA was only a 1.0 and there was no way I would be able to get it up to a 2.5 to stay in the program. I ended up switching to a degree called “Individual Family & Consumer Studies & Gerontology with a Child care emphasis” No clue what that means and I am hoping this degree no longer exists, because it is a long name for “general studies”. I took classes about Consumer issues, Nutrition, Child care, and 1 social work class. I did an internship at a Head Start program in Windham, Ohio. I grew up in a big family and knew I wanted to be around kids in some way and teaching seemed like th best way to connect with kids. I did not know what I was going to do when I graduated. It took me 5 years to complete college because of my struggles, but I graduated in 2000.

My dad suggested I apply for a county job and they were hiring about 300 people at the time. I was hired for the job, even though I did not have a social work license. I worked the ongoing unit for Cuyahoga County Department of Children & Family Services from 2000 to 2006. I worked with kids who were at risk of abuse and neglect, I implemented services in the home, placed them in foster care, took them to the doctors, enrolled them in school, testified about the families and was responsible for their safety. It was A LOT to take on at 23. It seems like another life when I reflect on it. Physically and mentally it was draining and I knew I needed to find something else to do. Baking was always my go to. It helped me focus, calm me, and taught me a lot of patience!

I left my Social work job to pursue my true passion for baking and ironically am both a Pastry Chef and a teacher. I graduated with a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts from Johnson & Wales University, Charlotte campus in 2007 and have never looked back. No matter what, my parents have always been by my side and I am so grateful.

No matter what challenges have come my way, I have found a way to push through the hardest times. I feel like I need to remind myself of this A LOT. Have you ever found your way after thinking it was not in the cards for you?? Comment below or message me @ anniessignaturesweetscle@gmail.com

Thank you for being here and for helping me keep this business going! I hope to see you virtually soon and when it is safe, in real life:)

Have an amazing day!


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