Finding fun during the pandemic

How do you find fun when you are in a pandemic? For me, I bake. I bake for fun, for work, to express my creativity and to release stress. I try to find moments where I can lay on the ground, close my eyes and breathe in that fresh, but humid air.

I get lost in the process, I start to think of what new flavors I can put together, what I want to make next, what I want to teach next.

I love meeting students from all over the world virtually through zoom and I LOVE being the activity that they choose to have fun.

My students always bring joy, personality, excitement, patience and laughter to every class whether they are in person or on Zoom.

It is fun to watch the connections of students and their loved ones or connecting with strangers for a class and all learning the same thing from the safety and comfort of their own homes.

My students have hosted virtual events and dressed up, played trivia, sent gifts to each other to open together on Zoom, they have celebrated anniversaries, birthdays, connected with friends and families all over the world. I had a student from LA that had to postpone her wedding and had her mom join us for a class in the Phillipines at 3am so they could still have fun together. I have had students join me from Canada, Hawaii, the Phillipines, Panama, India. I have taught 5 kids baking camps to kids ages 8-14 who have done AMAZING on zoom (better than me most of the time). I have taught corporate events to Executives all over the World!

I also find joy in being around my friends and family that bring out the best in me.

I love working out, but honestly have been struggling to join a gym or get too locked in to anything because of COVID. It is still frightening to know what will be happening next.

Kids are going back to school and there is no telling what the future holds.

I have days where I get super anxious and I have days that I feel ok about being out for a bit. I do my best to find a balance of having fun and not letting fear hold me back from living my life. I can live cautiously and I am doing my best to stay optimistic.

Keep your head up and keep on keeping on with whatever helps you release some stress, have some fun and pushing through this pandemic as safely as possible.

Thanks for being here!! You are the best!



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