The truth about running a business

Things I have learned along the way as a business owner:

  1. I can and will make it work no matter how long it takes to get there. I tell my students two things in my classes — baking = patience and practice. This is often a necessary reminder for me as well as a business owner and in life. It is easy to get overwhelmed with life and the business and it is ok and necessary to slow down.

  2. Support comes from people that I least expect. I remember reading in a lot of books that the people that will support you are not necessarily the ones that you expect. This is sooo true. Sure people can be happy for you and be supportive, but the people that actually understand me and my passion and truly get what this business is about, are few and far between. I always appreciate any support. I am grateful for all of it. It is not always about the money. For me it has always been about my passion. I obviously need to make $ as a business owner, but I am in it because I love baking, I love connecting with my students, I love being able to share my experiences and expertise to strangers all over the world, and lets be honest, I will bake all day every day whether I have a business or not. I am obsessed! Dessert is always the answer! I truly have the best students/fans/supporters ever!

  3. The things I stress about the most, are often the things that people don’t even notice. I am still a work in progress when it come to getting out of my own head. I can talk myself into or out of something very quickly.

  4. The rewards are extra sweet and it is necessary to celebrate any kind of win. How am I teaching students all over the world right now?? It is mind boggling and amazing to me that I get to do this. I am learning soo much from each of you.

  5. I love baking more than I even thought I did before I became a business owner. I appreciate the science and taking a step back to think about the simple ingredients that become amazing works of art is pretty freaking fascinating.

  6. I have more knowledge to share then I ever thought I did. I have taught over 300 classes in just over 2 years. Yes, I do have stuff to share. This is confirmed!!

  7. I struggle, get frustrated, get overwhelmed OFTEN! I have come so far in 4 years and am extremely proud. I still need to remind myself that I am capable of doing epic shit! I have been for 4 years and I am just getting started!

  8. I have confirmed that I am a badass baker and that my hard work has been coming through to more than just a few people. I have been published in Cleveland Magazine, Country Living Magazine, been on the front page of the paper, had the 5th most sinful sweet in Cleveland, been named the 5th best Pastry chef in Cleveland, just to name a few of my favorite highlights!

  9. I am always learning and growing and adjusting. It is bumpy as hell but it always propels me to the next step. The non-baking stuff is a constant struggle and is not seeming to end anytime soon, but I am still figuring it out.

  10. Every opportunity that comes my way might not be the sign that I have to jump right into something, but it might spark a fire to get me thinking about something that I have put off for awhile

  11. Always Always Always Celebrate my wins, reflect on my inner strength and be ok with being confident and happy right where I am. The struggles will cease and there will new ones that I have to surpass. I am capable of achieving things beyond the dreams. I have and I will remain unstoppable.

I hope you have an amazing week. Thank you for every text, comment, like, share, purchase, inquiry. I appreciate all of you. Your support means the world to me and helps me continue living in this crazy dream that is a solo boss babe. You are the best!



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