Thursday thoughts

Ever since COVID hit, the whole world has changed. We have no idea what a new “normal” will look like. What will always remain the same is that we need to find ways to connect with people. It can be very overwhelming to think beyond one day at a time. If you are working on a computer all day, it takes a mental toll on you. If you are on your feet all day, it also takes a toll on you. It is important to find things that we enjoy to keep us motivated and happy.

A few of my favorite things to do include:

Baking (obviously)- 24/7 is not exactly enough time to get in all the baking and eating of sweets that I want to.

Working out with my friends- I try to workout at home, it is just not the same. I need to be surrounded by people that are helping to motivate me and encourage me. It also helps pass the time quicker and I feel like I could start the day off confidently and embrace my badass self.

Traveling- I have been fortunate to be able to go to Bali, Costa Rica, Paris, Italy, Ireland, and live in several different states in the Unites States. It is amazing to see how similar and different things can be and how much of an impact.

Laughing- no matter what is going on in life, laughter always helps. For me it is almost a nervousness. My 9 year old nieces told me that I laugh all the time. (There are worse things)

Hanging out with family and friends- I have great people around me. Not everyone is as supportive as I would like, and it is challenging, but I am doing the best that I can and I have learned over time to keep on doing what makes me happy. If someone does not see it, it is their loss.

Being an aunt to my 6 amazing kiddos. Kids always keep you in the moment and remind you of the little things that are so big to them, like finding a dandelion that is big and yelling “dandelion ahoy” when you find it or calling on FaceTime to do the “silly faces” and find time to laugh. My kiddos don’t miss a beat. I learn from them all the time.

Connecting with my students has been so important to me. I have been embraced by hundreds of you and probably thousands of you, if I truly counted how many of you have shared time with me in the last 2 years and 3 months. You never cease to amaze me in your abilities to follow me and my sometimes unorganized chaos in classes whether they are in real life or on the computer. You truly make me a better teacher, student and you motivate me to keep on pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I am blessed.

Thank you to all of you that have been following along on this adventure and for those of you that read my blogs. I started writing these ramblings to help clear my head and honestly have no idea if anyone reads them. I hope that if you are reading these, that you are able to find out something new about me, and know that you can always reach out to me anytime. I love hearing from each of you.

Stay safe and healthy. I would love to see you all soon!!!



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