Things are starting to look up, Finally.

The pandemic has affected my business in a lot of ways that may not be visible to the outsider. It has truly been a struggle, especially the last 8 months. I have been turning down business pretty much every day since I lost my space to teach classes in early September 2021. I have been working on finding a space, continuing virtual classes and trying my best to keep on keeping on, and it has been extremely rough.

I am one person and I wear all the hats of this business. It is A LOT! A lot of time, A LOT of energy, a lot of trial and error and extremely unpredictable from day to day.

I continue every day, because I know this is what I am meant to do. I have been working behind the scenes nonstop on trying to find ways to keep this business going. The truth is virtual classes are not what they were a year ago or 2 years ago. People want in person and I get it. It’s just not as easy on my end to just find a space. Trust me. I have looked and investigated every avenue I could think of.

I recently found out about Dave’s kitchen in Cleveland on 61st and Chester. I am hopeful that this new space will bring back some of my students that have been patiently waiting for the last 2 years to come back and new students to join me while making your own signature sweets.

I have already posted kids camps and Classes for anyone at Dave’s Market. I encourage you to take a class and see how beautiful and spacious this kitchen is. It is only 3 years old, has air conditioning and parking is free and easily accessible to everyone!

I appreciate all of you that are here and whether you just found me or have been here awhile, I appreciate you. It’s hard sometimes to put on a happy face because the struggles as a boss babe are never ending. You truly keep me going and I cannot wait to bake with you ALL and teach you lifelong skills in the kitchen while we have fun baking.

Make sure you like my FB page @anniessignaturesweets and you are signed up for my newsletter to be the first to know what is coming up!

Have an amazing day! xoxo


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