New Year, New Classes, New Opportunities

As hard as it can be, I do my best to keep on pushing and what helps is setting goals that I want to accomplish and baking and baking goals! This roller coaster ride is crazy and the best way to stay on track, is to challenge myself and my students with new classes and new opportunities.

I have been quietly working on some ideas in the background which are taking awhile, because just as I started this business with no business background the pivots and challenges have roadblocks along the way.

Some of the new classes that I am challenging myself and my students with this year include:

  • Cannoli

  • Danish

  • Puff pastry dough

  • Challah

  • Frozen desserts (ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt and sherbet)

I, just like my students, need to keep challenging myself and it is tricky at times to make a decision of what challenge to take on at what time. You keep me excited and wanting to learn by giving me your ideas and telling me what works beyond the class.

I know a lot of my students continue to use their skills beyond the class and I love seeing the confidence and smiles in my students. Even when something doesn’t go as planned, there is some grace that things will get better.

Other things I am working on include: Recorded videos to do on your own time, and a few other things. Doing this alone is tough and takes me a lot longer than the avg business, but I am really excited to keep teaching.

Thank you for being here and cheering me on! I could not do this without your support.

Let me know what you are excited about in 2022 in the comments or send me a private message.



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