Approaching my 3rd Annieversary

I cannot believe that August is here. Some days feel like they last forever and some days are gone in the blink of an eye. August has always been a month of transition for me. I started this business 4 years ago as Annie’s Sweet shop and was just getting my feet wet about whether or not I was even going to attempt to start a business as I was approaching 40.

I officially rebranded and renamed my business in August 2017 and I finally felt like I had some sort of direction, not answers, but direction.

It has been a bumpy and crazy adventure and as exhausting and overwhelming as it is to run business alone with no business background or business partner, I am figuring it out as I go.

August is the month that I do my best to “prep” for the fall/winter. My business picks up the most in October, November and December. As COVID continues and I am going to be faced with more challenges, I am gearing up to keep this badass baker in business, baking with the best students ever and embracing the sweet rewards.

I have worked too hard to get where I am today to stop.

I know I will be baking no matter what. It is in my blood. I have lots of exciting surprises coming soon so please make sure you stay tuned by following me on Facebook and Instagram and signing up for my newsletter.

Thank you for being here! I appreciate you more than you know.



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