Behind the badass baker- the evolution of my teaching career

I grew up in a large family and have always been around kids. I love kids, probably because not only do I eat like a kid, but I feel like I really don’t want to grow up. I have no problem playing whether it is with the kids or in the kitchen.

Kids always appreciate the little things, live in the moment and are extremely emotional , creative, artistic and inventive. Playing is easy to children and they wake up to play every day. Ask a child what they did today and if they are not in school, the answer is usually “play”.

I thought I was going to be a teacher. I went to Kent State University to pursue a teaching degree. Unfortunately, I was unable to maintain a GPA that would allow me to continue in the education program. I struggled with undiagnosed ADD and my grades suffered. After 5 years at Kent State University, I graduated with a degree in Individual Family & Consumer studies & Gerontology with a child care emphasis and pursued a social work career. I worked at Cuyahoga County Department of Children & Family Services from 2000 to 2006. I worked with abused and neglected children and tried to offer services to families to help their families better themselves.

After realizing social work was not my passion, I pursued my passion and went to college at Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, NC when I was 29 and graduated when I was 30.

I had a teacher who told me that I needed to find a new career, (on day 3) and a teacher who told me she saw me pursuing a career teaching children how to bake.

Teaching has always been in the back of my mind. I have 6 nieces and nephews and I have been able to bake with them on occasion. The joy that they have “playing” with the cookie cutters, rolling dough, and concentrating on every little step is something that gets lost at times in this adult world.

I had been talking with my friend Anne who is a children’s book illustrator and she suggested pairing a children’s book with an activity. It is something that has been on my mind for several months. I was trying to figure out the best way to implement this and as I have continued to get an interest in hosting children’s classes, it is something I am excited to do. I have also connected with some children’s baking schools in other states and have talked with them about what they do with their kids.

My classes have been attended by both adults and children. I am often asked for just kids classes. I am super excited to host my first little bakers book club. I was a nanny for about a year and a half and was able to see how fun story time can be and I already know how much fun baking can be for both children and adults.

I am super excited to incorporate the story and baking into my baking school. I know that the children will love the creativity and the story. Children truly are the best teachers around.

Teaching for me has brought me confidence, joy, a new perspective and appreciation for my students, the science behind baking and I am honored and grateful to each of you that have joined me so far the last 2 years and counting in my classes.

Make sure you sign up for my newsletter on my website for my updated classes or find them on Eventbrite. I am always available for private events and parties or individual lessons. I hope to see you soon! Reach out anytime with ideas, feedback or questions.

Have an amazing day!


Ann LoParoComment